April 7th, 2023 - 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Expo Center, University of Miami
41280 Stanford Dr, Coral Gables, FL 33146
8:30 AM-9:00 AM -
Breakfast and Registration
Expo Center, Coral Gable Campus, University of Miami |
9:00 AM - 10:15 AM - Opening Session: U-Initiatives to Address the Societal and Health Impacts of Climate
9:00 AM |
Welcome Remarks
Jeffrey L. Duerk, PhD, Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost
University of Miami
9:15 AM-10:00 AM
Translating Climate Resilience into Actions in Miami-Dade County
Keynote Address |
Keynote Speaker:
Daniella Levine Cava, Mayor
Miami-Dade County
10:00 AM |
Symposium Introduction
Naresh Kumar, Director, Graduate Porgram in Climate and Health, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Miami
Coffee Break 10:15 AM - 10:30 AM Coffee Break
Session 2 - 10:30 AM-12:00 PM
Panel Discussion - Transdisciplinary Approaches to Address the Societal Impact of Climate Change
Moderator |
Elizabeth M. Plater-Zyberk , M.Arch.,
Malcolm Matheson Distinguished Professor of Architecture
Director, Master of Urban Design Program,
Professor, School of Architecture, University of Miami
10:35 AM |
Miami-Dade: Leading the Climate Resilience
James Murley, JD, Chief Resilience Officer
Miami Dade County, FL
10:40 AM |
Political Economy of Climate Resilience
Furceri Davide, PhD,
Deputy Division Chief of the Development Macroeconomic Division
International Monetary Fund Research Department, IMF
10:45 AM |
Preservation, Recovery and Optimization of Energy and Water Resources for Regional Communities Facing Climate Change Hazards and Impacts
Esber Andiroglu, PhD, PE, LEED, Associate Professor of Practice, Director, MS-CM Program
Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering, University of Miami
10:50 AM |
Can we adapt to increasing risk exposure by making ourselves more resilient?
David Letson, PhD,
Professor of Environmental Science and Policy, RSMAS, University of Miami
10:55 AM |
Climate Change, Housing Displacement, and Racial Resegregation: Civil Rights Remedies
Anthony Alfieri, J.D.,
Professor of Law, Dean's Distinguished Scholar, and Director
Center for Ethics and Public Service, School of Law, University of Miami
11:00 AM |
Trends in Atlantic Hurricane Activity and Landfalls: An Update and Current Expectations
David Nolan, PhD,
Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami
11:05 AM |
Climate Resilience and Communication
Joseph B. Treaster,
Professor, School of Communication, University of Miami
11:10 AM |
12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Lunch Break
12:30 PM to 1:45 PM |
Workshop - 1:
Climate, Health & the Built Environment: Advancing Resilience
Joanna Lombard, M.Arch., Professor,
School of Architecture, University of Miami
Landolf Rhode-Barbarigos, PhD,
Assistant Professor, University of Miami, Civil & Architectural Engineering
12:30 PM to 1:45 PM |
Workshop - 2:
Transformative clinical practices and healthcare delivery to address the health impacts of climate change
Cheryl Holder, MD,
Florida Clinicians For Climate Action
Greta Mitzova-Vladinov, DNP, APRN, CRNA, CHSE, Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing and Health Studies, Director Nurse Anesthesia Program, University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies
Armen Henderson, MD Assistant Professor, Hospital Medicine
University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine
Keynote Address
NIH mission to address the health effects of climate change
1:45 PM |
Dr. Gwen Collman, Director, SCOPE, National Institute of Health
Session 3 - 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Addressing the Health Effects of Climate Change
Moderator |
Erin Kobetz, PhD,
Vice Provost for Research + Scholarship
Associate Director, Population Sciences and Cancer Disparity, Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center
John K. and Judy H. Schulte Senior Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
Olveen Carrasquillo, MD MPH, Professor of Medicine and Public Health Sciences
Associate Dean for Clinical and Translational Research Co-Director of the Clinical and Translational Science Institute
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
2:35 PM |
Mobile Healthcare Delivery to Mitigate Exposure to Infectious Disease and Air Pollutants in Vulnerable Children
Lisa Gwynn, DO, MBA, MSPH, Associate Professor Clinical Pediatrics and Public Health Sciences
Section Chief, Community Pediatrics, Program Director, Pediatric Mobile Clinic & School Health
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine,
2:40 PM |
Trauma in the Aftermath of Natural Disaster
Carl I. Schulman, MD, PhD,
Professor of Clinical Surgery, Senior Associate Dean for Research Operations
Director, William Lehman Injury Research Center
Associate Director, Surgical Residency Training Program
2:45 PM |
Preparing Healthcare Workfore to Address the Health Effects of Climate Change
Cheryl Holder, MD, Director, Florida Clinicians for Climate Action
2:50 PM |
MDC's Response to address heat-stress related illnesses
Jane Gilbert, Chief Heat Officer
Miami-Dade County, FL
2:55 PM |
Natural Disaster and Healthcare Delivery
Dr. Gwen Collman, Director, SCOPE, National Institute of Health
3:00 PM
Wildfire Smoke Expousre and Pediatric Health
Stephanie Holm, MD, PhD, MPH, Director
Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit (WS PEHSU) at University of California San Francisco.
3:05 PM |
Legal solutions to Toxic Injuries
Alan Bell, Esq., UM Alum, Author of Poisoned, Toxic Tort Litigation Attorney
3:10 PM |
Risks of Infectious Diseases in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters
Dushyantha T. Jayaweera, MD, MRCOG (UK), FACP, Professor of Medicine
Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami
3:15PM |
4:00 PM - 4:15 PM - Coffee Break
Session 4 - 4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
Frontiers of Climate and Health Research
Session Chair |
David Nolan
, PhD, Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
the Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric, and Earth Science at the University of Miami
4:15 PM |
Non-Targeted Analysis to Assess Chemical Exposure in the Aftermath of Climate Change-Related Natural Disaster Emergency Response
Timothy Buckley, PhD, Center for Computational Toxicology and Exposure, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
4:30 PM |
Hurricane preparedness and weather events: An interdisciplinary and comprehensive approach for SoutheastFloridians living with spinal cord injury
Daniel Samano, MD, MPH, MSCH Candidate, University of Miami
4:45 PM |
Facemask Efficacy and Behavioral Interventions to Mitigate Wiildfire Smoke Exposure
Steven Prince, PhD, Scientist
The US EPA Office of Research and Development in the Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment
5:00 PM |
Efficacy of Facemask to Mitigate Climate Sensitive Environmental Allergens
Naresh Kumar, MSc, PhD, Professor of Environmental Health
Director, Graduate Program in Climate and Health, University of Miami
5:15 PM |
POSTER AWARDS (Refreshment Provided)
Carl I. Schulman, MD, PhD,
Professor of Clinical Surgery, Senior Associate Dean for Research Operations
Director, William Lehman Injury Research Center
Associate Director, Surgical Residency Training Program
Ijeoma Adele, Director, Strategic Initiative Unit
Affiliate, Climate Resilience Academy, University of Miami
5:30 PM |
Rudy El-Khoury, Dean of the University of Miami School of Architecture,
& Director, Climate Resilience Academy, University of Miami